Setting Up
April 1998
For FXO Voice Ports:
Table 5-5. FXO Voice – Slot ss Port p Options (1 of 3)
Port Status
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Specifies whether the FXO voice port is in use, and can be configured and assigned to
a time slot on the T1 or DSX interface in order to transmit and receive voice frequency
H FXO Voice options do not appear if Port Status is set to Disable.
Enable – The port is active, and can be configured and assigned to a timeslot.
Disable – The port is not active, cannot be configured, and does not take up a time slot.
H No alarms or traps configured for the port will be generated.
H Existing cross-connect assignments associated with the port will be cleared. The
message This action will clear any Cross Connections for the Port. Are You
Sure? No
appears. If you select:
No – The operation is cancelled. (Pressing either the Esc or Ctrl-a key acts as a
Yes – Port status is disabled and any cross connections are cleared.
Operating Mode
Possible Settings: FXO, FXODN, FXODN/WINK, DPT
Default Setting: FXO
Selects the operating mode for the FXO voice port.
H Operating Mode only appears if Port Status is set to Enable.
FXO – Enables the Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) mode, supporting a bidirectional
connection to a PBX phone line. This mode uses 4-state signaling (A&B).
FXODN – Enables Foreign Exchange Office Software-Defined Network (FXODN) mode
for operation on software-defined networks. This mode is used by Class 4 switches and
uses 2-state signaling (A=B).
FXODN/WINK – Enables the mode FXODN with WINK which is similar to FXODN, but
in addition provides an indication toward the network interface when the attached
analog equipment is ready to receive signaling information. This consists of detecting an
off-hook signal from the network interface, which initiates a configurable “wink delay”
followed by a configurable off-hook signal back to the network interface.
DPT – The Dial Pulse Terminating (DPT) mode is similar to FXO, except for supporting
in-coming, one-way trunks to a PBX (direct inward dialing) or key system.