Setting Up
April 1998
Configuring T1 and DSX-1 Interfaces
You can configure the following interfaces:
H Network Interface
H DSX-1 Interface (if applicable)
Configuring the Network Interface
Use the Network Interface Options screen to configure the network interface on
the T1 NAM (see Table 5-1).
Configuration Edit/Display
If you have a 9261 Dual T1 NAM, select the desired Network interface, 1 (default)
or 2, in the NETWORK field. For the 9161 Single T1 NAM, this field is read-only
and always displays a 1.
Table 5-1. Network Interface Options (1 of 7)
Interface Status
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable for Network interface 1
Enable for Network interface 2
Specifies whether the interface selected in the Network field is available for use.
H Interface Status is read-only if Network is set to 1 (first interface on the 9261 Dual
T1 NAM, or the interface on the 9161 Single T1 NAM).
Enable – The interface is available.
Disable – The interface is not available for use. When the interface is disabled, any
existing cross-connect assignments for this interface will be cleared, no alarms or traps
for this interface will be generated, no configuration options will be displayed, and all
LEDs associated with this interface will remain off. If you attempt to disable the
Network 2 interface for which cross connections exist, the message This action will
clear all Network
Cross Connections. Are You Sure? No appears. If you select:
No – The operation is cancelled.
Yes – The following occurs:
H All existing cross-connect assignments for this interface are cleared.
H Alarms or traps associated with this interface are not generated.
H LEDs associated with this interface are held in an “off’’ state.
Line Framing Format
Possible Settings: D4, ESF
Default Setting: ESF
Specifies the framing format for transmitted and received signals on the T1 network
D4 – Uses D4 framing format.
ESF – Uses Extended Superframe (ESF) framing format.