
Creating LP 11
Translating LP Files
Once you obtained LP sources, the next step is to actually modify interface and contextual
help messages, and online help texts.
For editing LP files, use text editor that supports editing text in UTF-8, and edit all the files in
this encoding. Otherwise, the messages you translated may be displayed incorrectly. We
recommend using text editor which also supports highlighting syntax. Using such editors
makes the document structure easy-to-see and helps you avoid common mistakes.
The following sub-sections explain how the LP source files are organized, and provide
recommendations that can be useful when translating the files.
In this section:
Translating GUI and Contextual Help Messages ............................................... 11
Translating Online Help ..................................................................................... 14
Translating GUI and Contextual Help Messages
File Structure
All interface and contextual help messages for the Plesk Expand GUI are located in the
locale.xml file. In this file, for a single GUI item exists a single entry - keyword-phrase-
comment triplet which specifies the GUI item localization.
Keyword contains unique identifier of a Plesk Expand GUI item.
Phrase contains a text on a human language which describes a particular Plesk Expand
GUI item, appearing as either an interface message or a contextual help text.
A phrase may contain placeholders or message variables. For information on translating
messages which contain placeholders or variables, refer to the Translation Tips (on page
12) section.
Comment contains translational notes concerning the entry and does not affect the Plesk
Expand GUI.
A typical entry looks as follows:
<phrase>A reseller with such login already exists in Plesk