Appendix A. Using locale-maker Utility 17
The locale-maker utility is used to build Plesk Expand Language Packs. For instructions
on how it can be installed, refer to the Compiling LP (on page 15) section.
/usr/local/expand-locale-maker/sbin/locale-maker—locale-path <source-files-
directory> --locale-id <xx-XX> --title <locale-title> --expand-version
<expand-version> [options]
The following command builds the French LP:
# /usr/local/expand-locale-maker/sbin/locale-maker—locale-path ./fr-FR—
locale-id fr-FR
--title French—expand-version 2.2.0
Specifies the directory where the LP source files are located.
Specifies the locale code in the RFC 1766 standard.
Specifies the locale title that will be shown to Plesk Expand users after
installing the locale to the Plesk Expand.
Specifies the Plesk Expand version for which the locale is build.
Specifies the directory where LP will be created.
The current directory is used by default.
The locale native title. If the native title is set, it will replace the locale title.
The following options are used in Plesk Expand LP build process and they are set automatically. (All
of them are optional.)
Specifies the locale release version.
The YYMMDD format , where YY - current year, MM - month, DD - day of
month, is used by default.
Appendix A. Using locale-maker Utility