Safety test
56. Electrical safety test
According to the German law on safe machine operation of June 24, 1986, VDE regulations are the reco-
gnized rules in the field of electrical engineering and form the basis for electrical safety tests of technical
The required electrical tests for the appliances are laid down in paragraph 4 of the regulations for repair,
modification and testing of electrical appliances (VDE 0701 date of issue 10.86).
We are obliged to perform a test in accordance with VDE 0701 on every electrical appliance after
In European foreign countries, there are similar regulations in force, which are largely identical with the
requirements of the VDE 0701.
57. Electrical safety test with ABB Metrawatt M 5013
I Mains power voltage test: volt = V
z For all following tests insert plug of ABB Metrawatt M 5013 into a grounded electrical outlet.
z Set the testing range switch at "250 V" (fig. 121). If there is mains power voltage, the LCD shows the
respective value (230 V +/- 10%).
z The contact field is located a bit to the right just below the knob for the measuring range. Touch this
field with your finger to check the ground lead of the electrical outlet. Signal lamp "PE", just above the
contact field, will light up if the ground lead is out of order.
z Insert plug of sewing machine into the main power connection of ABB Metrawatt M 5013.
z Operate the machine.
z Meter reading: 230 V +/- 10%
z Measuring appliance M 5013 can only be used with mains power voltages from 207 V to 253 V (230 V
+/- 10%).
II Appliance current test: Ampere = A
z Leave sewing machine plug in mains socket.
z Set testing range switch at 16 A (fig. 122).
z Operate the machine.
z Meter reading: 0.5 A maximum.
III Insulation resistance: M ohm = M
z Insert plug of sewing machine in tester connection.
z Use clamp to attach test lead of testing appliance M 5013 to presser bar.
z Set testing range switch at "20 M Ohm" (fig. 123 ).
z Meter reading: minimum 2 M Ohm.
z With meter readings higher than 20 M Ohm, appliance M 5013 displays the figure 1! In these cases,
the remark "Insulation resistance higher than 20 M Ohm" must be recorded in the testing certificate.