Managing Tasks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function
Installation and User’s Guide
Day view
This view displays all appointments for the given day. The subject
of the appointment appears beside the start hour and a sidebar
spans the length of the appointment.
Week view
This view displays all appointments for the current week; you can
scroll vertically through them. All appointments are marked with
an outlined box spanning the length of the appointment. If the
appointment is an all-day appointment, dots will span the entire
day. Press the ALT key while rolling the trackwheel to scroll
horizontally through the appointments.
Month view
When you first switch to Month view, your cursor will be on today’s
date and you can scroll horizontally through the days of the month.
Days with appointments will have a black bar to the left of the day.
The size of the bar depends on the length of the appointment. For
example, a one-hour appointment will have a short bar, while a four
hour appointment will have a long bar. If the appointment is an all-
day appointment, the day will be in bold text. The position of the
bar depends on the start time set for the appointment. For example,