Get to know your handheld — Description of keys
Installation and User’s Guide
Select multiple messages
• Hold the SHIFT key while rolling the
trackwheel in the Messages screen to select
more than one message. You can file, delete,
or save these messages, mark them read or
Carriage returns, select highlighted items
• Press the ENTER key to insert a regular
carriage return, moving your cursor to a
new line.
• Press the ENTER key to select the highlighted
item. Instead of clicking the trackwheel to
select the item, you can press the ENTER key
to perform your task.
Delete previous characters, ESC function
• Press the BACKSPACE key to move the cursor
backwards and delete characters to the left
of the cursor position.
• The key also enables you to hide (close) a
menu or cancel an action, similar to a typical
ESC key.
• Press the BACKSPACE key repeatedly to
return to the Home screen.
Key Function