
Retrotec Energy Innovations, Ltd.
DM-2A Mark II Dual-Channel Pressure Gauge User Manual
DM-2A Mark II 2008-02-22
About Retrotec Energy Innovations
Retrotec Energy Innovations, Ltd. manufactures blower doors (or door fans) that are used
in over 40 countries to measure the leakage rate of buildings, houses, rooms, ductwork and
enclosures. Retrotec’s Windows software uses the leakage results to calculate energy loss,
ventilation rates, smoke control and fire suppressant loss rates according to the following
Enclosure Integrity Tests using:
• NFPA 2001
• ISO 14520
Energy Loss Tests using:
• EN13829
• British CIBSE TM23
• Canadian CGSB 149.10
• American ASTM E779
• Europe CEN/TC
• Japanese standard
• Dutch NEN 2686
• SuperE
• Title 24
Smoke and Refuge using:
• 1994 Uniform Building Code Section 905
Enclosure integrity testing includes retention time calculations for all clean agent fire
suppressants such as FM-200, INERGEN, Argon, Argonite, FE-227, FE13, CO2, Nitrogen, NAF S III, and
Novec 1230. It also includes relief vent calculations and a test method for measuring relief vent
capacity in place.