2-128 Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Troubleshooting Guide • December 2004
Security is the security setting for this export.
Here’s an example:
files / @trusted access=rw uid0=0
This entry gives access to all files ( / ), to the hostgrps entry trusted. (The “@”
symbol defines it as a hostgrps entry) with read/write (rw) security. The last entry
“uid0=0” is a special entry which disables root squash for an export. Root squash is
the default, and it causes all mounts done as UID 0, to be done as UID 60001, the
“nobody” account. The above entry creates a trusted host, as it gives root access to
the root directory.
2.31 Administration Interfaces and Utilities
How do I access the StorEdge administration interfaces?
StorEdge offers several administration interfaces, as follows:
■ StorEdge Web Admin: To use the Web Admin, connect with a Web browser to
http://<hostname or IP address of your StorEdge>. Click “Grant” or “Yes” to
accept any Java software authorization windows and you will reach the login
screen. Type the administrator password to access the administration interface.
■ Telnet: Connect with your telnet client to the IP or hostname of the StorEdge
Server. Press [Enter] at the [menu] prompt and enter the administrator password.
What is the default administrator password?
How do I configure an administrator password?
By default, there is no password on the StorEdge. To set one, proceed as follows:
1. Access the StorEdge via Telnet or serial console.
2. Press [Enter] at the [menu] prompt.
3. Select option “K”, “Admin Access”.
4. Select “1”, “Edit Fields”.
5. Select “Y”, “Yes” to enable password protection.
6. Type a new admin password in the text box.
7. Type it again for verification purposes.