3-40 Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Troubleshooting Guide • December 2004
Caution – Potential data loss. Using the wrong drive upgrade procedure can cause
data loss. If you are upgrading drives containing RAID 0 volumes, you must use the
procedure for replacing all of the drives at once. If you are upgrading drives
containing RAID 1, 3, or 5 volumes, you may use either upgrade procedure.
Caution – Potential data loss. When replacing a drive, make sure the new drive has
a storage capacity equal to or greater than the old drive. Using a smaller capacity
drive may result in data loss.
Caution – Electrostatic discharge damage to sensitive components. To prevent
electrostatic discharge damage to the module, use proper antistatic protection when
handling the module components.
Caution – Potential damage to drive components. Drives can be damaged by
bumping them into other objects or surfaces. When removing or installing a drive
into the drive module, place your hand under the drive to support its weight. Place
drives on an antistatic, cushioned surface.
Note – IMPORTANT If you are upgrading drives in a storage array that contains
hot spares, drive reconstruction may start on the hot spare before you insert the new
drive. The data on the new drive will still be rebuilt, but the process will take longer
for each drive. To prevent this delay, you can disable the assigned hot spares while
you perform the upgrade procedure. Remember to reassign the hot spares when you
are finished upgrading the drives. For information on hot spares, refer to the storage
management software.
1. Put on antistatic protection.
2. Unpack the new drives.
Set the new drives on a dry, level surface, away from magnetic fields. Save all
packing materials in case you need to return the drives.
3. Read all information provided in “Replace Existing Drives with Greater Capacity
Drives” on page 3-32, particularly the paragraphs explaining the differences
between the two possible upgrade procedures
4. Read the SANtricity Storage Manager Product Release Notes to determine if you
need to modify these procedures based on more recent information.