1-20 Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Troubleshooting Guide • December 2004
Components of an Event Message
Time/date Severity
05/23/04 05:55:30 C sysmon[63]: Disk drive at enclosure 1 row 0 column 2
Facility FID Message body
■ Time/date- Time and Date of the event
■ Severity- Severity can be one of those listed below
■ Facility- The system module that reported the message
■ FID- The kernel ID of the Facility
■ Message Body- The contents of the message
Severity Level Definitions (highest to lowest)
■ Emergency—Specifies emergency messages. These messages are not distributed
to all users. Emergency priority messages are logged into a separate file for
■ Alert—Specifies important messages that require immediate attention. These
messages are distributed to all users.
■ Critical—Specifies critical messages not classified as errors, such as hardware
problems. Critical and higher-priority messages are sent to the system console.
■ Error—Specifies any messages that represent error conditions, such as an
unsuccessful disk write.
■ Warning—Specifies any messages for abnormal, but recoverable, conditions.
■ Notice—Specifies important informational messages. Messages without a priority
designation are mapped into this priority message.
■ Information—Specifies informational messages. These messages are useful in
analyzing the system.
■ Debug—Specifies debugging messages.
1.6.5 Error Codes from the Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS
LCD Display and syslog
This section details the specific error messages sent through e-mail, SNMP
notification, the LCD panel, and the system log to notify the administrator in the
event of a system error. SysMon, the monitoring thread in the Sun StorEdge 5310