1-12 Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Troubleshooting Guide • December 2004
■ Software version, including any service packs, options or minor revisions
■ Client configuration information– mount options, NIC configuration, platform,
■ Network information – topology, switch and router information, path from client
to StorEdge
■ Server information – Detailed information on any application or authentication
servers, including all of the above details.
■ An exact set of steps to reproduce the problem. This should be very detailed,
including every menu selection and text entry
■ Details on any symptoms experienced by the client
The goal of this data set is to allow someone in a remote location to reproduce and
resolve the issue without impacting the customer.
The next step is to verify the problem and collect network traces. If possible, copy
the data residing on the StorEdge to another server temporarily. Verify that it works
as expected. If it still exhibits the same symptom, the issue likely resides with the
Use a network capture utility to capture the network traffic generated by the failure
condition between the client, the StorEdge and any other server involved in the
issue. Define traffic filters so that only this traffic is captured.
Next, repeat the network capture, using the server which the application runs
successfully on. This will allow engineering to make a direct comparison of a
successful operation and an unsuccessful operation.
StorEdge has a built-in network monitoring tool. Details on the operation of this tool
can be found in the Diagnostic Procedures section of this document. However, in this
case it would be best to use a network analysis tool on the client. The main reason
for this is that the StorEdge tool will not be able to capture the data when an
alternate server is used for comparison. Security Issues
When troubleshooting security problems, it is useful to experiment. Try other
workstations, other operating systems and different user accounts, including a root
or a Domain Admin account. These are very useful in locating the source of the
When escalating a security issue collect the following data: