86 Sun Fire V490 Server Administration Guide • August 2004
In addition, the OpenBoot Diagnostics tests use a special variable called test-args
that enables you to customize how the tests operate. By default, test-args is set to
contain an empty string. However, you can set test-args to one or more of the
reserved keywords, each of which has a different effect on OpenBoot Diagnostics
TABLE 6-3 lists the available keywords.
If you want to make multiple customizations to the OpenBoot Diagnostics testing,
you can set test-args to a comma-separated list of keywords, as in this example:
From the OpenBoot Diagnostics Test Menu
It is easiest to run OpenBoot Diagnostics tests interactively from a menu. You access
the menu by typing obdiag at the ok prompt. See “How to Isolate Faults Using
Interactive OpenBoot Diagnostics Tests” on page 177 for full instructions.
The obdiag> prompt and the OpenBoot Diagnostics interactive menu (
appear. For a brief explanation of each OpenBoot Diagnostics test, see
TABLE 6-10 in
“Reference for OpenBoot Diagnostics Test Descriptions” on page 109.
TABLE 6-3 Keywords for the test-args OpenBoot Configuration Variable
Keyword What It Does
bist Invokes built-in self-test (BIST) on external and peripheral devices
debug Displays all debug messages
iopath Verifies bus/interconnect integrity
loopback Exercises external loopback path for the device
media Verifies external and peripheral device media accessibility
restore Attempts to restore original state of the device if the previous
execution of the test failed
silent Displays only errors rather than the status of each test
subtests Displays main test and each subtest that is called
verbose Displays detailed messages of status of all tests
callers=N Displays backtrace of N callers when an error occurs
• callers=0—Displays backtrace of all callers before the error
errors=N Continues executing the test until N errors are encountered
• errors=0—Displays all error reports without terminating testing
ok setenv test-args debug,loopback,media