Index 245
shipping (what you should receive), 1
show-devs command, 60, 151
show-devs command (OpenBoot), 92
showrev command (Solaris), 98
shutdown, 125
shutdown command (Solaris), 50, 127
software revision, displaying with showrev,98
Solaris commands
halt, 50, 127
init, 50, 127
shutdown, 50, 127
uadmin, 50, 127
specifications, 217, 220
agency compliance, 220
clearance, 220
electrical, 218
environmental, 219
physical, 217
service access, 220
standby power
RSC and, 102
status LEDs
environmental fault indicators, 21
Stop-A keyboard combination, 51, 54, 127
Stop-D keyboard combination, 54
Stop-F keyboard combination, 55
Stop-N keyboard combination, 165
stress testing, See also exercising the system, 106
striping of disks, 24, 67
Sun Enterprise Authentication Mechanism, See
Sun Fire V480 server
described, 9, 12
Sun Management Center
tracking systems informally with, 104
Sun Remote System Control, See RSC
Sun Validation and Test Suite, See SunVTS
checking if installed, 206
exercising the system with, 106, 202
guided tour of, 202
suspending the operating system software, 50
sync command (Solaris), 51
system console, 3
accessing via tip connection, 129
messages, 77
setting up alphanumeric terminal as, 133
setting up local graphics terminal as, 135
system control switch, 15
Forced Off position, 125
illustration, 15
Locked position, 124
Normal position, 123
settings, 16
System control switch cable
isolating faults in, 101
system controller
See also ALOM
introduced, 78
system exercising
FRU coverage (table), 106
system LEDs, 14
isolating faults with, 172
system memory
determining amount of, 94
system specifications, See specifications
temperature sensors, 20
temperatures, displaying system, 90
terminal, alphanumeric, 133
terminal, baud verification, 132
in diagnostic output (table), 114
test command (OpenBoot Diagnostics tests), 87
test-all command (OpenBoot Diagnostics
tests), 88
test-args variable, 86
keywords for (table), 86
thermistors, 20
third-party monitoring tools, 104
tip connection, 129