xxii Sun Fire V490 Server Administration Guide • August 2004
Each part of the book is divided into chapters.
Part One
Chapter 1 describes and provides instructions for Sun Fire V490 server installation.
Part Two
Chapter 2 presents an illustrated overview of the server and a description of the
server’s reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) features.
Chapter 3 describes and illustrates major system hardware.
Chapter 4 describes the network interfaces and system firmware, including
OpenBoot™ environmental monitoring.
Chapter 5 offers conceptual information (not instructions) relating to system
administration tasks.
Chapter 6 is a discussion of diagnostic tools.
Part Three
Chapter 7 provides instructions for configuring system devices.
Chapter 8 provides instructions for configuring network interfaces and
the boot drive.
Chapter 9 provides instructions for configuring system firmware.
Chapter 10 provides instructions for isolating failed parts.
Chapter 11 provides instructions for monitoring the system.
Chapter 12 provides instructions for exercising the system.
This manual also includes the following reference appendixes:
Appendix A details connector pinouts.
Appendix B provides tables of various system specifications.
Appendix C deals with safety precautions.