Chapter 6 Diagnostic Tools 107
■ Exclusive mode – SunVTS software exercises only the specific subsystems you
choose. Selected tests are run one at a time. A few tests are only available in this
mode, including: l1dcachetest, l2cachetest, l2sramtest, mpconstest,
mptest, qlctest, ramtest, ssptest, and systest.
■ Online mode – SunVTS software exercises only the specific subsystems you choose.
Selected tests are run one at a time until one complete system pass is achieved.
This mode is useful for performing tests while other applications are running.
Since SunVTS software can run many tests in parallel and consume many system
resources, you should take care when using it on a production system. If you are
stress-testing a system using SunVTS software’s Comprehensive test mode, you
should not run anything else on that system at the same time.
The Sun Fire V490 server to be tested must be up and running if you want to use
SunVTS software, since it relies on the Solaris operating system. Since SunVTS
software packages are optional, they may not be installed on your system. Turn to
“How to Check Whether SunVTS Software Is Installed” on page 206 for instructions.
It is important to use the most-up-to-date version of SunVTS available, to ensure you
have the latest suite of tests. To download the most recent SunVTS software, point
your Web browser to: http://www.sun.com/oem/products/vts/.
For instructions on running SunVTS software to exercise the Sun Fire V490 server,
see “How to Exercise the System Using SunVTS Software” on page 202. For more
information about the product, see:
■ SunVTS User’s Guide – Describes SunVTS features as well as how to start and
control the various user interfaces.
■ SunVTS Test Reference Manual – Describes each SunVTS test, option, and
command-line argument.
■ SunVTS Quick Reference Card – Gives an overview of the main features of the
graphical user interface (GUI).
■ SunVTS Documentation Supplement – Describes the latest product enhancements
and documentation updates not included in the SunVTS User’s Guide and SunVTS
Test Reference Manual.
These documents are available on the Solaris Software Supplement CD and on the
Web at: http://docs.sun.com. You should also consult the SunVTS README file
located at /opt/SUNWvts/. This document provides late-breaking information
about the installed version of the product.