Measuring Waveforms
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
adjust the distance of the solid cursor relative to the dashed cursor. Press
SELECT again to resume tracking.
To change the cursors speed, press SHIFT before turning the general purpose
knob. The cursor moves faster when the SHIFT button is lighted and the display
reads Coarse Knobs in the upper right corner.
You can choose to display vertical bar cursor results in units of time or fre-
quency. If you have Option 5 Video, you can also display the results in terms of
video line number. To choose vertical bar cursor units, do the following step:
Press CURSOR ➞ Time Units (main) ➞ seconds or 1/seconds (Hz) or, with
Option 5, Video Line Number (side).
If you are measuring NTSC signals, you can choose to display vertical readings
in IRE units. If you are trying to measure such a signal, you should have
Option 05 Video Trigger installed as it would be difficult to trigger on composite
video waveforms without Option 05. To switch between IRE and base cursor
units, do the following steps:
1. Press CURSOR ➞ Amplitude Units (main) ➞ IRE (NTSC).
2. To return to normal, press CURSOR ➞ Amplitude Units (main) ➞ Base.
To find instructions for using cursors with math waveforms, see Waveform Math,
on page 3–142.
To find instructions on using cursor with FFT waveforms, differentiated
waveforms, and integrated waveforms, see Fast Fourier Transforms on
page 3–144, Waveform Differentiation on page 3–161, and Waveform Integration
on page 3–165.
To find information on cursor units with video waveforms, see the TDS Family
Option 05 Video Trigger Interface, if your oscilloscope is equipped with the
video trigger option.
Taking Graticule Measurements
The TDS Oscilloscope provides a graticule for measuring the difference (either
in time or amplitude) between two points on a waveform record. Graticule
measurements provide you with quick, visual estimates. For example, you might
look at a waveform amplitude and say “it is a little more than 100 mV.” This
section briefly describes how to take graticule measurements.
Select Cursor Speed
Select Time Units
Select Amplitude Units
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