Measuring Waveforms
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
Figure 3–62: Performing a Signal Path Compensation
The TDS Oscilloscope lets you compensate the probe, based on the channel it is
connected to, to improve the gain and offset accuracy of the probe. By executing
Probe Cal on a channel with its probe installed, you can optimize the oscillo-
scope capability to make accurate measurements using that channel and probe.
Run a Probe Cal anytime you wish to ensure that the measurements you make
are made with the most accuracy possible. You should also run a Probe Cal if
you have changed to a different probe since the last Probe Cal was performed.
Some Probes Cannot Be Compensated. Some types of probes can be gain
compensated, some can be offset compensated, and some can be compensated
for both. Some probes cannot be compensated at all. Note the following
H The oscilloscope cannot compensate probes that have an attenuation factor of
greater than 20X. If you attempt to compensate such a probe you will get an
error message.
H The oscilloscope cannot compensate probes that have gain and/or offset
errors that are too great (u2% gain and/or u50 mV offset). If these errors
are within specified limits for your probe, you may want to use another
probe. If they are not within specification, have your probe checked by
service personnel.
Probe Cal