Chapter 2 103
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
2.4 Display
Displays menu keys that enable you to control certain items on the display of the analyzer.
NOTE CCDF and SEM measurements have measurement specific Display menus. For
the Display description for a CCDF measurement, see “Display
(Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function—CCDF)” on page 385
SEM measurement, see “Display (Spectrum Emissions Mask—SEM)” on page 479.
Key Path: Front-panel key
2.4.1 Full Screen
When Full Screen is pressed the measurement window expands horizontally over the entire
instrument display. It turns on/off the display of the softkey labels. Pressing any other key
that results in a new menu will cancel the full screen function.
Key Path:
State Saved: Not saved in state.
Factory Preset: Off
Default: Off
History: Added with firmware revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
:DISPlay:FSCReen[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
2.4.2 Display Line
an amplitude value that corresponds to its vertical position relative to the reference level.
The value of the display line appears on the left side of the display below the label Dl.The
display line can be adjusted using the step keys, knob, or numeric keypad. The units of
Display Line are determined by the
Y-Axis Units setting under Amplitude.
Key Path:
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.