96 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
Because they may not find a spectral component's true peak, neither average nor sample
detectors measure amplitudes of CW signals as accurately as peak or normal, but they do
measure noise without the biases of peak detection.
The detector in use is indicated on the left side of the display. If the detector has been
manually selected, a # appears next to it.
TIP RMS Detection
To measure the average power (RMS voltage) in each display point, set
Detector to Average,andverifythatAvg/VBW Type is set to Pwr Avg (RMS).
Key Path:
State Saved: Saved in Instrument State
Factory Preset: Normal, Auto Coupled
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:DETector[:FUNCtion] AVERage|NEGative|NORMal|POSitive|SAMPle|RMS
The query returns a name that corresponds to the detector mode as shown by the following
Example: DET POS
NORM Normal
AVER Average
POS Positive peak
SAMP Sample
NEG Negative peak