6 720 608 263
2 gninraW1
4 sliated ecnailppA2
4 serutaeF1.2
4 )atad lacinhceT( snoitacificepS E 00422.2
5 retaeh E 0042 eht gnikcapnU3.2
6 noitarepo efas rof wollof ot selur lareneG4.2
2.5 Dimensions and Minimum installation clearances 7
8 snoitcurtsni noitallatsnI3
8 noitcudortnI1.3
8 retaeh ruoy gnillatsni rof noitacol reporP2.3
8 secnaraelc dna tnemecalp retaeH3.3
8 noitallatsni gnitnuoM4.3
9 stnemeriuqer ria noitsubmoC5.3
11 gnitneV6.3
11 snoitacificeps dna lairetam tneV1.6.3
21 snoitcennoc tneV2.6.3
31 stnemeriuqer ebut niard etasnednoC3.6.3
31 )epip niwT( noitallatsni delaes mooR4.6.3
41 snoitanimret lacitreV5.6.3
3.6.6 Horizontal 51 snoitanimret
81 selpmaxe noitarugifnoc tnev tsuahxE7.6.3
91 snoitcennoc & gnipip saG7.3
12 erusserp sag gnirusaeM8.3
22 snoitcennoc retaW9.3
32 snoitcennoc lacirtcelE01.3
32 noitacilppa noitalucriceR21.3
42 snoitcurtsni noitarepO4
4.1 For your safety, read before operating your water heater 24
42 rewoP2.4
52 noitceles erutarepmeT3.4
4.4 Use of optional rem 72 yrossecca lortnoc eto
72 noitarepO5.4
72 nottub teseR6.4
72 nottub margorP7.4
72 noitidnoc dekcoL8.4
5 Maintenance 82 ecivres dna
82 ecnanetniam launnA1.5
82 esu lanosaes rof gniziretniW2.5
92 pu-dliub elacs lareniM3.5
92 2OC gnitsujdA4.5
23 scitsongaid draob lortnoC5.5
33 gnitoohselbuorT6
33 noitcudortnI1.6
6.2 Burners do not ignite when hot water is turned on 33
33 toh oot si retaW3.6
33 hguone toh ton si retaW4.6
43 erusserp/wolf retaw woL5.6
43 pat ta setautculf erutarepmet retaw toH6.6
43 noitarepo gnirud retaeh/renrub ysioN7.6
63 scitsongaid edoc rorrE8.6
14 margaid lacirtcelE7
24 emehcs lanoitcnuF E 00428
9 Interior components diagram and parts list 43
34 stnenopmoc roiretnI1.9
44 margaid stnenopmoC2.9
54 tsil straP3.9
64 tnemnorivne eht gnitcetorP01
11 Fifteen Year Lim 74 ytnarraW deti
1 Warning
For your safety
Do not store or use gasoline or other ammable,
combustible or corrosive vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Warning: Carefully plan where you
install the heater. Correct combustion
air supply and ue pipe installation are
very important. If a gas appliance is not
installed correctly, fatal accidents can
result from lack of air, carbon monoxide
poisoning or re.
Warning: Exhaust gas must be vented
to outside using proper vent material
suitable for category III vent systems
and temperatures up to 480°F. Vent
and combustion air piping must be
sealed gas-tight to prevent possibility of
ue gas spillage, carbon monoxide
emissions and risk of re, resulting in
severe personal injury or death.
Warning: Place the heater in a location
where water leaks will do NO DAMAGE
to adjacent areas or lower oors.
Warning: Field wiring connections and
electrical grounding must comply with
local codes, or in the absence of local
codes, with the latest edition of the
National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA 70,
or in Canada, all electrical wiring must
comply with the local codes and the
Canadian Electrical Code, CSA C22.1
Part 1.
Warning: Shock hazard: line voltage is
present. Before servicing the water
heater, unplug power supply cord from
outlet. Failure to do so could result in
severe personal injury or death.
Warning: The heater must be
disconnected from the gas supply
piping system during any pressure
testing of that system at test pressures
equal to or more than 0.5 psig.