6 – 5
VSG/VSSG • Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SSG
Problem Solution
Low Oil Pressure at Start
• After failing to start compressor with “Prelube Oil Pump Inhibit”, fi rst allow
Discharge pressure, Oil Filter In pressure and Out pressure to equalize. Then
restart compressor. If compressor fails to start due to low oil pressure, contin-
ue troubleshooting with items below.
• Reset Prelube Oil Pressure Setpoint in Alarms and Trip Setpoints screen to
lowest recommended setpoints.
• Check calibration of oil manifold transducer, discharge pressure transducer,
and suction transducer.
• Check for correct oil pump motor rotation and operation.
• Ensure transducer isolation valves are open.
• Verify that the correct transducer ranges are selected.
• Check to see all oil line valves are open except the oil dump valve used to fi ll
the lines and oil cooler.
• Check oil strainer for dirt.
• Check oil fi lter pressure drop.
• Check “Prelube Oil Pump Time Limit” setpoint is suffi cient in Compressor
Timer Setpoints screen.
• Prelube pressure is manifold pressure minus discharge pressure.
Low Run Oil Pressure
• Check solutions in “Low Oil Pressure at Start”.
• Check that there is proper discharge pressure ratio to create differential pres-
sure, otherwise oil pressure can’t be maintained. Oil pressure is manifold oil
pressure minus the suction pressure. It is a net pressure.
• If the oil pump is selected to be a part time oil pump in the “Setup” menu,
then ensure that it only shuts off at an appropriate pressure ration that takes
into account pressure drops through the oil cooler. This is a set point in the
“Compressor Control Setpoints” menu called “Oil Pump Restart.” It is a pres-
sure ratio. (discharge pressure in psia/suction pressure in psia) Default ratio
is a pressure ratio of 3.00:1 that stops the pump and 2.80:1 that restarts the
pump. This ratio can be increased. Do not decrease without consulting Vilter.
Oil fl ow or oil pressure
• Clean oil strainer screen.
• Change oil fi lter, maybe plugged or collapsed.
• Oil pump gears worn internally, excessive end-clearance.
• Oil priming valve used on air-cooled cooler units is open.
• Relief in-line check valve stuck open.
• Pressure ratio too low, oil pump should be on.
Faulty pressure or temperature
• Check that the correct pressure or temperature range is selected in the
Instrument Calibration menu.
• Check cable connections at device, terminal strips, and PLC input card for
correct wiring and shielding (RF noise).
• Check calibration of RTDs and transducers.
Section 6 • Troubleshooting
Table 6-3. Troubleshooting Guide - General Problems & Solutions (1 of 3)