332198C 9
Ratio Checking
NOTE: Use ratio check nozzle 255247 with retaining nut
512292. Purchase separately.
The output mix ratio of your proportioner can be
checked by dispensing the two fluids separately out of
the nosepiece into tared cups. The cups can then be
weighed and the weights divided to get the mix ratio by
Ratio checks provide information about the ratio of an
overall sample. Transient problems (soft spots) caused
by starting and stopping the flow (lead-lag) may not
show up in this kind of ratio check. Physical tests of the
mixed fluid are the best check of correct ratio and mix
Install Disposable Static Mixer
1. Perform Pressure Relief Procedure, page 10.
2. Use lever (H) to close the dispense valve inlet ball
valves (J).
3. Coat threads of outlet manifold (F) with grease to
prevent material curing on threads.
4. Install static mixer and secure with nut (G).
1. If it is possible that air may be in the fluid lines, per-
form Prime procedure on page 8.
2. If the gun has not yet been pressure balanced, per-
form Pressure Balance the Gun procedure on
page 8.
3. If the fluid in the static mixer is cured or there is no
static mixer installed, Install Disposable Static
Mixer, page 9.
4. Start proportioner and adjust to desired pressure.
See proportioner manual for instructions.
NOTE: Use the lowest proportioner pressure setting that
produces the desired flow.
5. Use lever (H) to open and close dispense valve inlet
ball valves (J) as desired to dispense materials.
6. If stopping dispensing for longer than the cure time
of the materials:
a. Use lever (H) to close dispense valve inlet ball
valves (J) as desired to dispense materials.
b. Keep static mixer installed.
c. When ready to dispense again, Install Dispos-
able Static Mixer, page 9.
7. When done using the dispense valve for the day,
perform Daily Shutdown on page 10.
If the proportioner pressure setting is too high, any dif-
ferences in viscosity will cause a pressure differential
that will result in improper mixing.
Always open and close lever (H) fully and quickly.
Opening the valve partially or slowly will cause soft
spots in the material and may shut down the propor-
tioner because of a pressure imbalance.