<.'). &'m(,7Zai9g^kZ<Ve7ZYAVi]Z
9. BdkZ i]Z XVgg^V\Z idlVgY i]Z he^cYaZ Vc
10. I^\]iZc i]Z^ccZg heVccZgcji jci^andj hZZ
i]Z bdi^dc d[ i]Z Y^Va ^cY^XVidg cZZYaZ _jhi
WVgZanhidebdk^c\# 9jg^c\i]Z heVccZgcji
Note: When the dial indicator needle stops
moving, there will be no spindle end-play and
no bearing preload. It is essential that you
find this exact point without tightening the
inner spanner nut too much and inadvertently
preload the spindle bearings.
Since it can take great effort to turn the inner
spanner nut, you may find it difficult to know
if you have gone past the zero end-play
point or not. You may find it easier to have
an assistant watch the dial for you while you
tighten the spanner nut. If you think you may
have gone past the zero end-play point, take
the time to unload the bearings as described
in earlier steps, then re-tighten the spanner
nut until you know you have reached the cor-
rect setting.
11. Id hZi i]Z XdggZXi Vbdjci d[ he^cYaZ WZVg"
XadX`l^hZ Vc VYY^i^dcVa %#&( Vadc\ ^ih X^g"
Xjb[ZgZcXZ#HZZFigure 105 [dgVcZmVbeaZ
Figure 105.:mVbeaZd[[^cVa^ccZgheVccZgcji
12. L^i]dji XVjh^c\ i]Z ^ccZg heVccZg cji id
i^\]iZc Vcn [jgi]Zg! ^chiVaa VcY i^\]iZc i]Z
Note: Do not overtighten the outer spanner
nut because additional preload can force the
bearings even tighter against the races in the
headstock and cause the headstock to com-
press or crack, or cause bearing failure.
13. GZ"^chiVaai]ZX]Vc\Z\ZVgYddg#
To confirm that the bearings are correctly pre-
1. BV`ZhjgZVaahV[ZinegZXVji^dch]VkZWZZc
2. GZbdkZVaaiddahVcYbViZg^VahjhZYYjg^c\
3. HZii]Zhe^cYaZheZZYid^ih]^\]ZhihZii^c\#
4. 8dccZXii]ZaVi]ZidedlZgVcYijgc^iON#
5. AZii]ZaVi]Zgjc[dg'%b^cjiZh#
6. Ijgc i]Z he^cYaZ OFF! Y^hXdccZXi i]Z aVi]Z
·>[ i]Z ^cWdVgY ZcY d[ i]Z he^cYaZ ijWZ ^h
ha^\]ian lVgb id i]Z idjX]! ndj ]VkZ i]Z
·>[ i]Z ^cWdVgY ZcY d[ i]Z he^cYaZ ijWZ ^h
]VcYdc!i]Z egZadVY^hidd i^\]iVcYndj
bjhi gZeZVi i]Z he^cYaZ WZVg^c\ egZadVY