
This message is displayed because the C52xcgraph configuration script is probing the InfiniBand
switch to determine how many HCAs with an IP address are present. Because the HCAs have
not yet been assigned an IP address, C52xcgraph does not find any HCAs with an IP address
and prints the message. This message does not prevent the cluster_config utility from
To work around this issue, after the cluster is installed and configured, run
/opt/hptc/hpcgraph/sbin/hpcgraph-setup with no options.
5.5 Processing Time For cluster_config Might Take Longer On A Head
Node With Improved Availability
The cluster_config utility processing time can take approximately ten minutes longer if it
is run on a head node that is configured for improved availability with Serviceguard when the
remaining nodes of the cluster are up and running.
After the entire system has been imaged and booted, you might need to re-run the
cluster_config procedure to modify the node configuration. If the other node in the availability
set with the head node is up and running, the Serviceguard daemons attempt to establish
Serviceguard related communication with the node when they are restarted. Because the other
node in the availability set is not actively participating in a Serviceguard cluster, it will not
respond to the Serviceguard communication.
The Serviceguard software on the head node retries this communication until the communication
times out. On a system running with the default Serviceguard availability configuration, the
timeout is approximately ten minutes.
5.6 Notes That Apply To Imaging
The notes in this section apply to propagating the golden image to all nodes, which is
accomplished when you invoke the startsys command.
5.6.1 HP ProLiant DL140 G3 and DL145 G3 Node Imaging Fails When Graphics
Cards Are Present
As described in “Discovery of HP ProLiant DL140 G3 and DL145 G3 Nodes Fails When Graphics
Cards Are Present” (page 26), the discovery and imaging processes might fail on HP ProLiant
DL140 G3 or DL145 G3 servers containing graphics cards.
The work around for the discovery failure is described in “Discovery of HP ProLiant DL140 G3
and DL145 G3 Nodes Fails When Graphics Cards Are Present” (page 26), and the work around
for the imaging process described in this section assumes that all nodes were discovered.
Follow this procedure to propagate the golden image to DL140 G3 and DL145 G3 servers
containing a graphics card:
1. Issue the appropriate startsys command and specify one of the DL140 G3 or DL145 G3
nodes with a graphics card in the [nodelist] option of the startsyscommand.
2. When power to the node is turned on, use the cluster console to connect to the node and
force it to PXE boot by pressing the F12 key at the appropriate time during the BIOS start
3. When the node is successfully imaged, repeat this process for the remaining nodes containing
graphics cards.
4. When all nodes containing graphics cards are imaged, issue the startsys command without
the [nodelist] option to image all remaining nodes of the cluster in parallel.
5.5 Processing Time For cluster_config Might Take Longer On A Head Node With Improved Availability 27