MartinLogan MAC 500/E Work Light User Manual

Control Panel
4. Press the [MENU] and [] keys at the same time and hold them for 3 seconds until “25” shows in
the display.
5. Press the [↑] and [] keys until the display shows the temperature measured.
6. Press [ENTER] to save the setting.
Manual control
Manual control (MAN)
The manual control menu permits you to do the following without a controller:
reset the fixture (RST)
turn the lamp on and off (
open, close, and strobe the shutter at 3 speeds (
control the dimmer (
move the color wheels to each position and scroll them at 3 speeds (
move the fixed-gobo wheel to each position (
move the rotating-gobo wheel to each position and rotate the gobos at 3 speeds (
control the focus (
control the iris (
insert and rotate the prism (
PRIS) at 3 speeds, or, if a frost filter is installed, vary the frost (FROS)
control pan and tilt (
Adjustment (AdJ)
The adjustment menu provides manual control for making mechanical adjustments. These should be performed by a
qualified technician. The menu provides functions to reset the fixture (
RST), turn on and off the lamp (L ON,
LoFF), control all effects in the head (HEAd), and move the head to the home and extreme positions (PATI). The
HEAd submenu allows the technician to:
open, close, and strobe the dimmer/shutter (
move the color and gobo wheels through their positions (
COL1, COL2, Fgob, Rgob)
move the focus lens to its extreme positions (
open and close the iris (
insert and rotate the prism (
Stand-alone sequences
Demonstration programs (dEMO)
This menu offers 2 preprogrammed demonstrations. Demo 1 shows each effect individually and in combination with
others at a set home position. Demo 2 pans and tilts within a defined area and shows various effect combinations.
Before running demo 1, set the pan/tilt position (
PAN, TILT) to a good location for viewing the effects and then
focus (
FOCU) the beam. Select SEQ to run the demo. Demo 2 is similar but instead of defining a home position, you
define an area such as a screen or wall by setting the minimum and maximum pan and tilt positions (
MINT, MAXT). Focus the beam in the center of the area.
Test sequences
7HVWVHTXHQFHTSEQRun a general test of all effects.
SPECPCBT This menu provides 4 tests of the circuit board for service use: TI,
T2, T3, and LEd.
)DFWRU\WHVWSPECFTST: This menu provides an effects test (ETST), a movement test (MTST), and a sensor
test (
STST) used for quality control. The sensor test includes programs for testing sensors on the color and gobo
wheels (
COL1, COL2, Rgob, and Fgob).