Safety Hazards
Follow Safety Guidelines
Always follow the applicable rules and regulations in the area in which you are using your
device. Turn your device off in areas where its use is not allowed or when its use may cause
interference or other problems.
Electronic Devices
Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from radio frequency (RF) signals. However,
inadequately shielded electronic equipment may be affected by the RF signals generated by
your device.
Medical and Life Support Equipment
Do not use your device in healthcare facilities or where medical life support equipment is
located as such equipment could be affected by your device’s external RF signals.
The Health Industry Manufacturers Association recommends that a minimum separation
of six inches must be maintained between a device and a pacemaker in order to avoid
potential interference with the pacemaker. These recommendations are consistent with
the independent research by and recommendations of Wireless Technology Research.
Persons with pacemakers should always follow these guidelines:
Always keep the device at least six inches away from a pacemaker when the device is
turned on.
Place your device on the opposite side of your body where your pacemaker is implanted
in order to add extra distance between the pacemaker and your device.
Avoid placing a device that is on next to a pacemaker (e.g., do not carry your device in a
shirt or jacket pocket that is located directly over the pacemaker).
If you are concerned or suspect for any reason that interference is taking place with
your pacemaker, turn your device OFF immediately.
Hearing Devices
When some wireless devices are used with certain hearing devices (including hearing aids and
cochlear implants) users may detect a noise which may interfere with the effectiveness of the
hearing device.
Use of Your Device while Operating a Vehicle
Please consult the manufacturer of any electronic equipment that has been installed in your
vehicle as RF signals may affect electronic systems in motor vehicles.
Please do not operate your device while driving a vehicle. This may cause severe distraction
and in some areas, it is against the law.
Use of Your Device on an Aircraft
Using your device during flight may violate FCC regulations. Because your device may interfere
with on-board electronic equipment, always follow the instructions of the airline personnel and
turn your device OFF when instructed to do so.