If you must change the Charged Parameters please use the following rules.
If the charged parameters are not correctly selected,
the LINK 2000 will never recalculate the CEF. For example:
(1) If your charging system only reaches 13.8 (27.6) volts, a Charged Voltage of 14.0 (28.0)
volts will not work—it is set too high and the Link 2000 will never know that the battery
is charged. Lower the Charged Voltage. Changing the Charged Voltage to 13.7 (27.5) volts
should work. See Monitor Setup on page 9.
(2) If the Charged Current % times the Battery Capacity is less than the current at which
the charging system switches off, the Charged Current cannot be met and the Link 2000
will never know that the battery is charged. If the charging system shuts off when the current
is 10 amps, using the factory default value of 4 amps (2% of 200 Ah) will not work.
(Changing the Charged Current % to 6% would give a Charger Current of 12 amps, which
would work fine. See Monitor Setup on page 9.)
If you have a charging system that cannot satisfy the default values, the CEF will not
be recalculated and the meter will use the default CEF of 87%. This will work fine in most
systems. You may notice an accumulation of negative amp hours. If so, set up appropriate
charged parameters or resynchronize periodically. (See Synchronizing Your Link 2000 To
a Charged Battery on page 20.)
1) The Charged Voltage MUST be at least 0.1 V BELOW the charging system
2) The Charged Current % times declared Battery Capacity MUST be
GREATER than the minimum current the charging system maintains the battery at, or
turns off at.