Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 123
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Using the Voicemail Pro Client: Voicemail Shutdown or Suspend
Select one of the options:
· Continue
Selecting this option will start the polite shutdown process for the server. Once the server is shut down it can
only be restart by restarting the Voicemail Pro service or restarting the voicemail server computer.
· While the server is shutting down, selecting File again will display Voicemail Shutdown (In Progress...)
. Clicking on this will show a menu showing the status of the shut down and options to either cancel it or
to change it to an immediate (impolite) shut down.
· Active Sessions
Displays the number of sessions (calls) currently in progress. The shut down will only occur when this
reaches zero.
· Shutting Down
Displays the time for which the shutting down process has been running.
· Shut Down Immediately
Change the shut down to an immediate impolite shut down. Any current calls are disconnected.
· Cancel Shut Down
Cancel the shutting down process.
· Once the shut down is complete, the Voicemail Pro clients are the same as for off-line mode. To restart the
server the server PC must be restarted.
· Suspend Calls
Selecting this option will start the call suspension process for the sever. Once the server is suspended, it can be
restarted by selecting File | Resume Voicemail.
· While the server is suspending calls, selecting File again will display Voicemail Suspend (In
Progress...). Clicking on this will show a menu showing the status of the call suspension process and
options to either cancel it or to change it to an immediate (impolite) shut down.
· Active Sessions
Displays the number of sessions (calls) currently in progress. The shut down will only occur when this
reaches zero.
· Suspending Calls
Displays the time for which the shutting down process has been running.
· Shut Down Immediately
Change the shut down to an immediate impolite shut down. Any current calls are disconnected.
· Cancel Suspend
Cancel the shutting down process.
· Once the server has suspended calls, selecting File again will display Voicemail Resume. Clicking on this
will request the IP Office to resume routing calls to the voicemail server.