Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 284
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
5.4.2 Changing the Recording Time
For recordings being placed into a Voicemail Pro mailbox, the maximum recording time is 1 hour.
To change the recording length:
Start the Voicemail Pro Client.
Click or select Administration > Preferences > General.
The Max. VRL Record Length (secs) setting is used only for calls being recorded to VRL. The maximum record
length is 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
Click OK.
Click Save & Make Live.
5.4.3 Voice Recording Library (VRL)
Voice Recording Library (VRL) operation allows the Voicemail Pro to transfer specific users who are automatically or
manually recording calls to a third-party application. It can also be selected as the destination for calls recorded via a
Leave Mail action in a call flow.
Currently this mode of operation is only supported with Avaya IP Office ContactStore. This application provides tools to
sort, search and playback recordings. It also supports the archiving of recordings to DVD.
· Installation and configuration of VRL with IP Office ContactStore is documented separately.
· VRL is a licensed feature. It requires entry of either an Advanced Edition licence or a legacy VMPro Recording
Administrators license into the IP Office configuration of the IP Office requiring use of ContactStore (regardless of
whether that IP Office is hosting the Voicemail Pro server).
· The VRL application must be configured to store recording on a separate partition, drive or PC from the Voicemail
Pro. This is necessary to ensure that the long term storage or recording archives and space available for mailbox
messages do not conflict.