Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 139
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Using the Voicemail Pro Client: Using the Navigation and Details Panes Outcalls
When you click on Outcalls in the left hand navigation pane, details of any currently set calls are displayed in the right
hand pane. These are calls being made by the voicemail server.
The types of calls that are displayed are listed below. The voicemail server may also be configured for alarm calls, those
are displayed on a separate alarms page on which they can also be configured. The information displayed for the calls
· Type
The type of outgoing call.
· Conference
These are conference invite calls being made by the voicemail server on behalf of the IP Office Conferencing
Center application.
· Callback
These are new message notification calls being made for mailbox users configured for remote callback .
· Outbound Alert
These are new message notification calls being made for mailbox users configured for outcalling .
· Created
The time and data at which the outgoing call was configured on the voicemail server.
· State
The current state of the outgoing call. The options are: Failed, IN Progress, Conference, Queued and Suspended.
· Attempts
The number of times the voicemail server has attempted to place the alert call.
· Next Attempt
The time and data of the next outgoing call attempt.
· Target
The target number for the next call attempt.
Channel Restrictions
· The Voicemail Pro server has restrictions on the number of channels it can use for different types of outgoing calls
that it can make. These limits are separate for each of the cal types. When a limit is reached, further calls of that
type are delayed until one of the existing calls is completed. These limitations are not controlled by Voicemail
Channel Reservation settings.
· Outcalling can use up to 5 channels at any time.
· Conference center invitation calls can use up to 5 channels at any time.
· Callback calls can use up to 2 channels at any time.
· Alarm calls can use up to 2 channels at any time.