Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 443
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
LOC voicemail 346
LOC/custom/getmail.wav 304
Local System Account 117
Locale 157, 261, 262, 265, 269, 274, 285, 298, 306, 312,
329, 346, 351, 358, 361, 362, 375, 376
match 301
locale As String 362
Locale Property 346
Log Preferences 116
Errors 68
IMS Gateway Server 110
Out 122
Logging Level 110
Logic icon 161, 164
login 120, 395, 404
logins 404, 418
long distance 404
long outcalling 105, 313
Loop Until Len 352
Mail Drop 112
Mail Server 112
Mailbox Actions 143, 172
Leave Mail 375
Mailbox Actions icon 205, 207, 208, 209, 210
mailbox As String 350, 353, 354, 356, 357, 362
mailbox follow
Failure 207
Mailbox Main 263
Access 262
mailbox matching 205, 207, 208, 212, 213
Mailbox Mode 94, 205, 207, 389, 390
Select 36
Mailbox Operation Mode 329
mailbox press 404
Mailbox Users Owners Using
Advice 298
mailbox/message 350, 351, 354, 358, 359, 361, 362
mailboxes As String 350, 357, 362
MailboxEvtSinkTracing 116
mailing lists 404
Main Voicemail Pro Window 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
121, 153, 313
Main.Collect 264
Main.Leave 264
Making them Live 122
Manager application 153, 226
Manager Incoming Call Route 263
Campaigns 379
Mandatory Announcement Example 295
Manual Call Recording
Starting 285
Manual Recording
Customizing 288
Manual Recording Mailbox 287
Manual Recording Options
Setting 287
MAPI - Email Protocol 71, 75
MAPI email 86, 102, 111, 117
MAPI Email Preferences
Setting 102
MAPI Password
leave 102
MAPI Profile 102
MAPI-based Voicemail Email
Voicemail Pro 86
MAPIEventTracing 116
Matching Short Code 150, 153
Creating 265
MattR 305
Max 99, 284
Maximum Number 351, 381
maxtime 361
maxtime As 361
maxtime As Long 361
mdb 34, 144
mdb file 144
Member Of 94, 184, 272, 274
Menu Action 172, 181, 229, 265, 280, 296, 303, 306, 366,
388, 389, 390, 393
Specific 200
Menu action Touch 393
Menu button 272
Menu key 285, 377
menu press 404, 418
menu provides
user 267, 268
Merge Config 310
message As String 353, 354, 356, 357, 362
message counts 353
Message Deletion Times
Setting 103
message housekeeping 103
Message Housekeeping Preferences 103
Message Length 99
Message Parameters 111
Message Parameters options 111
message press 404, 418
message Test Connection Succeeded 250
Message Waiting Indication 271
Configuring 272
MessageCLI 356
MessageCLI Method 356
MessageDisplay 356
MessageDisplay Method 356
MessageEvtSinkTracing 116
MessageLength 357
MessageLength Method 357
MessageProcessingTracing 116
Messages button 267
use 93
Messages per page 336
Messages Through 385
messages/recordings 99
messages” 359
MessageTime 357
MessageTime Method 357
Microsoft .NET Framework 18
Microsoft 3rd 82
Microsoft Access 251, 366
Microsoft Access Database 251, 366
uses 366
Microsoft IIS Web Server 25
Microsoft Internet Explorer 385
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 385
Microsoft Sam 81, 82
Microsoft SAPI 81, 83
Microsoft Speech SDK 81
Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1