Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 155
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Using the Voicemail Pro Client: Start Points
3.17 User Variables
The Voicemail Pro client allows you to define user variables for the system that are then useable within any call flows. User
variables differ from call variables in that they are system wide values that can be shared between all calls while call
variable values differ from call to call.
Within a call flow a Set User Variable action can be used to set or change the value of a user variable. This
includes using the current value of a call variable to set as the new value for the user variable.
Call flows can also be branched using a Test User Variable action to check the current value of the variable
against a required value.
The existing value of a user variable can also be obtained using the variable $REG[<variable_name>] in call flows.
By clicking on User Variables in the left hand navigation pane you can view all the user variables and their current
values. This pane can also be used to add and modify the user variables including changing their values.
To add a user defined variable:
Click or press F8. The User defined variables window opens.
Click . The Add user defined variable window opens.
Type a name for your new variable.
Click OK. The new variable is added to the list.