• Selecting “SRNo” as TC UBIT information
If “SRNo” is selected, the following 8-digit TC UBIT information derived from the 3-digit REEL
NUMBER attached to the VOLUME LABEL set in the “Edit Volume Lbl?” Utility menu or the SCENE/
REEL NUMBER set in the “Set SCENE & REEL?” Utility menu will be output.
SSSSSRRR SSSSS: SCENE No. derived from “Set SCENE & REEL?” Utility menu + File No.
RRR: 3-digit REEL No. derived from “Edit Volume Lbl?” Utility menu or “Set
SCENE & REEL?” Utility menu.
<Example-1> <Example-2>
002 VOLUME LABEL: DV40-005
SCENE/REEL No.: 00000 / 002 SCENE/REEL No.: 00006 / 005
File No.: 001 File No.: 002
TC UBIT Information: 00001002 TC UBIT Information: 00008005
• Selecting “MDYf” as TC UBIT information
If “MDYf” is selected, the following 8-digit TC UBIT information based on the date when the file is
originally created will be output.
MMDDYYff MM : Month by 2-digit (01~12)
DD : Day by 2-digit (01~31)
YY : Year by 2-digit (00~99)
ff : File No. by 2-digit in hexadecimal (01~C7)
<Example-1> <Example-2>
File No.: 001 File No.: 184
Created date: July 4, 2002 Created date: December 23, 2005
TC UBIT Information: 07040201 TC UBIT Information: 122305B8
• Selecting “DMYf” as TC UBIT information
If “DMYf” is selected, the following 8-digit TC UBIT information based on the date when the file is
originally created will be output.
DDMMYYff DD : Day by 2-digit (01~31)
MM : Month by 2-digit (01~12)
YY : Year by 2-digit (00~99)
ff : File No. by 2-digit in hexadecimal (01~C7)
<Example-1> <Example-2>
File No.: 001 File No.: 169
Created date: 6 June, 2001 Created date: 15 November, 2007
TC UBIT Information: 06060101 TC UBIT Information: 151107A9