1 Introduction
You use the ServerView Virtual-IO Manager (Virtual-IO Manager or VIOM for
short) software to manage the input/output parameters (I/O parameters) of fol-
lowing servers:
l PRIMERGYblade server (BX600, BX400, BX900)
In Japan, BX600 blade servers are not supported.
l PRIMERGY rack server (RX200 S7, RX300 S7, RX350 S7)
l PRIMERGY tower server (TX300 S7)
When PRIMERGY rack servers are mentioned below, both, the
PRIMERGY rack servers and the PRIMERGY tower servers, are
Additionally the LAN connection blade, the Intelligent Blade Panel (IBP) in
PRIMERGY blade servers, can be managed via VIOM.
As an extension to the ServerView Operations Manager, it is possible to man-
age a large number of PRIMERGY blade servers and PRIMERGY rack
servers centrally by the central management station using VIOM. This
includes virtualizing and, for blade servers, saving the server blade-specific
I/O parameters (MAC addresses, WWN addresses, I/O connections includ-
ing the boot parameters) and configuring and managing a blade server's Intel-
ligent Blade Panelin a hardware-independent server profile.
This server profile can be assigned to a PRIMERGY rack server or server
l For PRIMERGY rack servers: A server profile can be assigned to a
PRIMERGY rack server and can also be moved from one PRIMERGY
rack server to another.
l For blade servers: The server profile can be assigned to a server blade
using VIOM and can also be moved between different server blades of
the same or of another blade server.
By assigning the server profiles to a server, you can start the required appli-
cation without having to reconfigure the SAN and LAN network.
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 11