CHAP authentication is activated for this port. CHAP allows
the target to authenticate the initiator.
Mutual CHAP authentication is activated for the port. Mutual
CHAP allows the initiator to authenticate the target.
Not when AuthenticationMethod is None
The CHAP user name. The name must be identical to the name con-
figured on the iSCSI target.
Not when AuthenticationMethod is None
The CHAP password. This password must be identical to the pass-
word configured on the iSCSI target and it must contain 12 to 16
characters. This password must differ from the password in the
MutualChapSecret element.
Only when AuthenticationMethod is MutualCHAP
The Mutual CHAP password. This password must be identical to
the password configured on the iSCSI target and it must contain 12
to 16 characters. This password must differ from the password in
the ChapSecret element.
12.3.8 The FCBootConfiguration element
The FCBootConfiguration element contains the following elements:
Once or twice
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 327
12.3 Format of export files