ponents or different ones for each. You must specify this accordingly in this
dialog box.
With the Configure protocols button you can expand the dialog box, so that
you can also specifiy the port to be used by VIOM to access the com-
ponents. This value should not be changed in a standard configuration.
User name
A valid user name with access rights to the iRMC
Password of the user ID
Trap Destination
IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the VIOM management station to which
traps are sent in the case of connecting the PRIMERGY rack server to
power. This field is preset with one IP address of the VIOM management
station. It should only be changed if the management station is reach-
able by different IP addresses and another one should be used.
Use for all components
Sets the values for all PRIMERGY rack servers to the ones specified for
first PRIMERGY rack server.
Configure protocols
Expands the dialog box, so that you can also specifiy the protocol and
the port to be used by VIOM to access the PRIMERGY rack server(s).
These values should not be changed in a standard configuration.
Select the protocol to be used for communication with the PRIMERGY
rack servers.
If Use default port is not checked, you have the option of specifying
other port numbers for the PRIMERGY rack servers in this field.
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 235
5.5 Dialog boxes