[ --check-prerequisites][ --lang[ en|ja]][ -u|--upgrade]
[ -q|--quiet][ -f|--force][ -i|--installdir][ -v|--verbose]
[ -h|--help]
Command line parameters for installation:
IP-address or hostname of the database server
Port number of the database server
ServerView Operations Manager username in the database, by default
Password in the database (by default the ServerView Operations Man-
ager database has no password)
MAC address range.
Custom range must be set with the MAC start address and the MAC end
address. The values must be in hexadecimal format, for example
Predefined MAC address ranges must be separated by a comma. Pos-
sible values for predefined MAC address ranges are:
Range 00:19:99:3E:D2:A1 - 00:19:99:3E:F1:E0
Range 00:19:99:3E:F1:E1 - 00:19:99:3F:11:20
Range 00:19:99:3F:11:21 - 00:19:99:3F:30:60
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 85
3.4 Installing the Virtual-IO Manager on a Linux-based CMS