5.4.5 Save Configuration wizard
You use the Save Configuration wizard to save and to restore backup files
as well as to delete them on the management station.
The Save Configuration wizard comprises several dialog boxes to guide
you through the individual steps. All required steps are displayed in the tree
structure on the left.
You launch the wizard using the Configuration Backup / Restore button on
the Virtual-IO Manager tab. Select Action step (Configuration Backup/Restore wizard)
You save and restore backup files as well as delete them on the man-
agement station using a wizard. You launch the wizard using the Con-
figuration Backup / Restore button on the Virtual-IO Manager tab.
Select Action is the first step in the Configuration Backup/Restore wizard.
In this step you select the action that you want to carry out.
Figure 58: Select Action step
Save Configuration
Select Save Configuration to save a configuration in a file.
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 223
5.4 Wizards