Expand the Object Tree until you can see your database and select it. The right
side of the Control Center will fill with details about the database’s current
operation and links to relevant actions.
When you created your database with the Create Database with Automatic
Maintenance, you enabled certain Automatic maintenance features. The features are
set up and do not necessarily require any further attention. You may, however, find
it useful to know where their settings can be found and further configured.
There are automatic maintenance-related tools available. The first of these is the
Automatic Maintenance wizard, which you can start by clicking on the Maintenance
link in the Object Details Pane. As the wizard’s name suggests, it will allow you to
change the way in which automatic maintenance is carried out for your database.
Another tool is the Health Center. You can launch it by clicking on Monitor DB
Health in the Object Details Pane or by selecting Health Center from the Tools
menu. Under normal circumstances, you should never have to look at the Health
Center. If the health of your database needs attention, you will be notified by
e-mail. You can then find out more about what needs attention.
Related concepts:
v “Database basics” on page 31
v “Control Center overview” in Administration Guide: Implementation
Related tasks:
v “Creating your own database using the Create Database with the Automatic
Maintenance wizard” on page 31
Figure 1. Control Center with a database selected
Chapter 5. Basic administration 33