Table 3. Language identifiers (continued)
Language Language identifier
Danish dk
Dutch nl
English en
Finnish fi
French fr
German de
Greek el
Hungarian hu
Italian it
Japanese jp
Korean kr
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Slovak sk
Slovenian sl
Spanish es
Swedish se
Turkish tr
Related reference:
v “Displaying the db2setup command in your national language” on page 68
Displaying the db2setup command in your national language
The db2setup command queries the operating system to determine the existing
language settings. If the language setting of your operating system is supported by
db2setup, then that language will be used.
If your system uses the same code pages but different locale names than those
supported by the DB2 interface, you can still see the translated db2setup by setting
your LANG environment variable to the appropriate value by entering the
following command:
bourne (sh), korn (ksh), and bash shells:
export LANG
C shell:
setenv LANG <locale>
where locale is a locale supported by the DB2 interface.
Related reference:
68 Getting started with DB2 installation and administration