v Although response files in Version 8 and Version 9 have similar formats, there
are version limitations as to where response files can be used. For example, any
response file generated in DB2 Version 9 can only be used to install DB2 Version
9; it cannot be used to install DB2 Version 8. The opposite is also true, where
response files generated in DB2 Version 8 cannot be used to install DB2 Version
9. This is primarily caused by mandatory keywords that are new in Version 9.
v If you are using the DB2 Setup wizard:
– You can save your settings in a response file during the installation in the
Select the installation action panel of the DB2 Setup wizard.
– You are creating a response file based on just the installation you are
performing. This method is recommended if you have either a fairly simple
configuration or if you want to create a response file that you plan to later
– A response file is only generated if you allow the installation process to
complete, and it completes successfully. If you cancel the installation, or if the
installation fails, the response file is not created.
You can use a response file to install an identical configuration across every
workstation on your network or to install multiple configurations of a DB2
product. You can then distribute this file to every workstation where you want
this product to be installed.
v If you use the response file generator (Windows only), you are creating the
response file based on an existing installation. This method is recommended
when you have a more complex configuration, one that you manually
configured. If you are using the response file generator after generating the
response file, you might need to input user names and passwords
Related concepts:
v “Response file installation basics” on page 61
Related tasks:
v “Response file installation of DB2 overview (Linux and UNIX)” in Installation
and Configuration Supplement
v “Response file installation of DB2 overview (Windows)” in Installation and
Configuration Supplement
Creating a response file using the DB2 Setup wizard
You can create a response file using the DB2 Setup wizard based on the installation
you are performing. This response file will be generated based on your DB2 Setup
wizard selections. You can then use the response file to perform an unattended
installation using the same settings.
To create a response file using the DB2 Setup wizard:
1. From the DB2 Setup launchpad, select Install New for the product you want
to install, or, select Work with Existing to select the DB2 copy you want to
work with.
2. Select the product or DB2 copy you want to install and click Next to launch
the DB2 Setup wizard.
3. Click Next on the Welcome page and accept the license agreement terms.
62 Getting started with DB2 installation and administration