
Toolbars are panels that contain icons representing functions you can perform.
Toolbars are located below the menu bar. To see a brief description of a tool, place
your cursor over its icon and hover help will tell you what function each icon
represents. Toolbars provide quick access to the functions you can perform. The
functions can also be selected in the View menu.
A Contents pane toolbar is located below the contents pane. It allows you to tailor
the information in the contents pane.
Wizards are integrated into the administration tools. They assist you in completing
a single task by stepping you through the task. To select a wizard, from the
Control Center window, select Tools —> Wizards from the menu bar. The Wizards
window opens. Select the wizard you want to use. Select the object for which you
want help and follow the instructions to complete the task.
The wizard task overview on the first page of the wizard lists any prerequisite
steps and briefly describes every page of the wizard. Other pages of the wizard
may contain links to conceptual or reference information to help you understand
the function of the wizard. From a wizard, you can launch other wizards, windows
or notebooks.
Object trees:
Object trees display the system and database objects graphically in the left
navigation pane, enabling you to see the hierarchical relationship between different
objects and to work with those objects. You can expand the object tree to expose
the content. The exposed content is displayed as folders beneath the object tree.
Each folder represents an object type. If the object tree is collapsed, the folders no
longer appear in the view of the object tree.
Objects on your local workstation and any remote systems that can be connected to
and from your local system are displayed in the object tree. Some objects, such as
tables and views, do not contain folders and appear at the bottom of the object
tree. Also if you right-click on the object folder there are actions available for the
object. For example, if you right-click on a table you can choose to create a table.
When you select an object folder in the object tree, the objects that reside in the
folder are displayed in the contents pane. To invoke an action on an object,
right-click the object to open a pop-up menu of available actions. You can also
invoke an action on the object by selecting the object then clicking the Selected
menu option from the menu bar.
Contents Pane (Details view):
The Contents pane allows you to display large amounts of complex tabular data in
a flexible manner.
You can filter, sort, and customize Contents pane columns. You can also save your
changes as a view, enabling you to quickly switch between different views of the
same data. To create and save customized views, select View from the toolbar at
the bottom of the Contents pane.
40 Getting started with DB2 installation and administration