1. Log in as a user with root authority.
2. Remove the instance by entering the following command:
DB2DIR/instance/db2idrop InstName
where DB2DIR is the location you specified during the DB2 Version 9
installation. The default installation path for Linux is /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1.
The db2idrop command removes the instance entry from the list of instances
and removes the INSTHOME/sqllib directory, where INSTHOME is the home
directory of the instance and where InstName is the login name of the instance.
If you are storing any files in /sqllib directory, these files will be removed by
this action. If you still need these files, you must make a copy of them before
dropping the instance.
3. Optional: As a user with root authority, remove the instance owner’s user ID
and group (if used only for that instance). Do not remove these if you are
planning to re-create the instance.
Remove the database files from the systems or drop the databases before
dropping the instance if you no longer need the databases. After dropping the
instance the database files remain intact.
This step is optional since the instance owner and the instance owner group
may be used for other purposes.
Related tasks:
v “Removing DB2 products using the db2_deinstall or doce_deinstall command
(Linux)” on page 74
Related reference:
v “db2idrop - Remove instance command” in Command Reference
Appendix D. Uninstalling your DB2 product 77