IXP400 Software
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 19
Introduction 1
This chapter contains important information to help you learn about and use the Intel
Software v2.0 release.
1.1 Versions Supported by this Document
This programmer’s guide is intended to be used in conjunction with software release 2.0. Always
refer to the accompanying release notes for information about the latest information regarding the
proper documentation sources to be used.
Previous versions of the programmer’s guide for earlier IXP400 software releases can be found on
the following Web site:
To identify your version of software:
1. Open the file ixp400_xscale_sw/src/include/IxVersionId.h.
2. Check the value of IX_VERSION_ID.
1.2 Hardware Supported by this Release
The Intel
IXP400 Software v2.0 release supports the following processors:
• All Intel
IXP42X Product Line of Network Processors and IXC1100 Control Plane Processor
• All variants of the Intel
IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors
Warning: Processor capabilities differ between processor product lines or processor variants. Not all
capabilities of the processor may be supported by this software release.
1.3 Intended Audience
This document describes the software release 2.0 architecture and is intended for software
developers and architects employing IXP42X product line processors or Intel
IXP46X product
line processors. The document defines each component’s functionality, demonstrates the
behavioral links between the components, and presents the common design policies of each