IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: Parity Error Notifier (IxParityENAcc) API
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 239
• Parity Error Recovery
• Parity Error Prevention
This section summarizes the high-level activities involved with these high-level tasks, and then
presents specific usage scenarios.
16.4.1 Summary Parity Error Notification Scenario
The interface between the client application and IxParityENAcc is explained in detail in the API
source-code documentation. However, the following important scenario (shown in Figure 76)
captures the usage of interface(s) by the client application.
The parity error context is represented with the data flow direction arrow with an open bubble at
the end. The numbers at the beginning of each of the APIs and internal steps define their execution
sequence in that order.
1. The client application will initialize the component.
2. After initialization the client application will register callback and configure the parity error
detection for the specified hardware blocks.
Figure 76. Parity Error Notification Sequence
Client Application
4: (*ixParityENAccCallback) (void)
3: Parity Error Interrupt
Interrupt Controller/
Hardware Block
Client Callback Routine
(Parity Error Recovery)
3a: Invoke Parity Error Interrupt Handler
5b : Fetch the parity error context
1: ixParityENAccInit (void)
2. ixParityENAccCallbackRegister(parityErrNfyCallBack)
5. ixParityENAccParityErrorContextGet(*pecMessage)
6. ixParityENAccParityErrorInterruptClear(*pecMessage)
2b: Save Callback
3b: Get Callback
6b : interrupt clear or mask off