IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: ATM Driver Access (IxAtmdAcc) API
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
68 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
The IXP_BUF fields required for transmission are described in Table 5. These fields will not be
changed during the Tx process.
The IXP_BUF fields of available IXP_BUFs used by the receive service are described in Table 6.
They are set by the client which wants to provide available buffers to IxAtmdAcc Rx service.
The IXP_BUF fields in received buffers that are set during traffic reception are described in
Table 7.
Table 5. IXP_BUF Fields Required for Transmission
Field Description
Required. When IXP_BUFs are chained to build a PDU. In the last IXP_BUF of a PDU,
this field value has to be 0.
ix_nextpkt Not used.
ix_data Required. This field should point to the part of PDU data.
ix_len Required. This field is the length of data pointed to by mh_data.
ix_type Not used.
ix_flags Not used.
ix_reserved Not used.
pkt.rcvif Not used.
pkt.len Required in the first IXP_BUF of a chained PDU. This is the total length of the PDU.
Table 6. IXP_BUF Fields of Available Buffers for Reception
Field Description
This field value has to be 0. Buffer chaining is not supported when providing available
ix_nextpkt Not used.
ix_data This field is the pointer to PDU data.
ix_len This field is the length of data pointed to by mh_data.
ix_type Not used.
ix_flags Not used.
ix_reserved Not used.
pkt.rcvif Not used.
pkt.len Set to 0.
Table 7. IXP_BUF Fields Modified During Reception (Sheet 1 of 2)
Fields Description
Modified when IXP_BUFs are chained to build a PDUro point to the next IXP_BUF. In the
last IXP_BUF of a PDU, this field value has to be 0.
ix_nextpkt Not used.
ix_data This field is the pointer to PDU data.
ix_len Modified. This field is the length of data pointed to by mh_data.
ix_type Not used.