IXP400 Software
Endianness in Intel
IXP400 Software
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
358 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
The IP stack typically has an alignment restriction on the IP packet. The start of the IP packet must
be word-aligned, that is, the ver/hlen field shown above must start on a 32-bit boundary. There are
14 bytes of Ethernet frame data preceding the IP header. Thus ix_data pointers typically need to be
half-word-aligned (16 bits). This is the case that is discussed in this chapter, and in the Intel
IXP42X Product Line of Network Processors and IXC1100 Control Plane Processor:
Understanding Big Endian and Little Endian Modes Application Note.
Detailed below is the typical receive case for 64-byte frame (60 + CRC).
Given an IX_OSAL_MBUF data pointer (ix_data) that is half-word-aligned, the NPE must transfer
the frame into main memory. The transactions the NPE AHB coprocessor generates depend on the
alignment and size of the transfer. For a 60-byte transfer, half-word-aligned, the NPE would
• One half-word transfer, half-word-aligned
• 14 word burst transfers, word-aligned
• One half-word transfer, half-word-aligned.
This will result in the following payload (see Figure 118) written to SDRAM from the Intel XScale
core (Address Coherent).
TTL Protocol Header Checksum
src-ip[0] src-ip[1] src-ip[2] src-ip[3]
dst-ip[0] dst-ip[1] dst-ip[2] dst-ip[3]
UDP/TCP Header
803.2 Destination MAC Address
802.3 Source MAC Address
802.3 Type
Internet Protocol
UDP/TCP Header
Figure 117. Ethernet Frame (Continued)(Big-Endian)
Figure 118. One Half-Word-Aligned Ethernet Frame (LE Address Coherent)
D0 D1 D2 D3
DA[1] DA[0]
DA[5] DA[4] DA[3] DA[2]
SA[3] SA[2] SA[1] SA[0]
Type/Len (swapped) SA[5] SA[4]
16-bit Total length (swapped) TOS ver/hlen
flag/Fragment offset (swap.) 16-bit Identif (swapped)
header checksum(swapped) Protocol TTL
src-ip[3] src-ip[2] src-ip[1] src-ip[0]