
IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: HSS-Access (IxHssAcc) API
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 199
IxHssAccTdmSlotUsage is an array that take the following values to assign service types to each
time slot in a HSS frame:
IxHssAccTdmSlotUsage has a size equal to the number of time slots in a frame.
IxHssAccLastErrorCallback() is for error handling. The client will initiate the last error retrieval.
The HssAccess component then sends a message to the NPE through the NPE Message Handler.
When a response to the error retrieval is received, the NPE Message Handler will callback the
HssAccess component, which will execute IxHssAccLastErrorCallback() in the same IxNpeMh
context. The client will be passed the last error and the related service port.
When complete, the HSS coprocessor will be running, although no access is given to the client
until a connect occurs followed by an enable.
13.5 HSS Channelized Operation
13.5.1 Channelized Connect and Enable
After the HSS component is configured, ixHssAccChanConnect() has to be called to connect the
client application with the channelized service. This function is called once per HSS port, and there
can only be one client per HSS port.
The client uses this function to:
Register a Rx call-back function.
Set up how often this callback function will be called.
Pass the pointer to the Rx data circular buffer pool.
Set the size of the Rx circular buffers.
Set the pointer to the Tx pointer lists pool.
Set the size of the tx data buffers.
The parameters needed by ixHssAccChanConnect() include:
IxHssAccHssPort hssPortId — The HSS port ID. There are two identical ports (0-1).
unsigned bytesPerTSTrigger — The NPE will trigger the access component to call the Rx call
back function rxCallback() after bytesPerTSTrigger bytes have been received for all trunk time
slots. bytesPerTSTrigger is a multiple of eight. For example: 8 for 1-ms trigger, 16 for 2-ms