198 User’s Manual for InterForm400
3. Definition variables
Change variables MAI315D
Definition name . . . . . : DEMO
Description . . . . . . . : Distribution of the Demo spool file
Variable Length Description
*V1 _25 Company name_______
*V2 _25 Contact person_____
*V3 __4 Customer number____
*V4 _50 Subject____________
*V5 ___ ___________________
*V6 ___ ___________________
*V7 ___ ___________________
*V8 ___ ___________________
*V9 ___ ___________________
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
Up to 9 variables can be defined. They are read from the contents of each spool file
page. The variables can be referred to in the subject, e-mail text, the name of the
attached PDF file, the receiver E-mail address and receiver name. The variables are
inserted as *V1 .. *V9 (use upper case 'V').
Above only the length of the variables are defined. Later on we define from where the
variables should be fetched (That could depend of the contents of each page).
4. Default PDF-file name
Here you can specify a default name for the attached PDF file. This name can be
overridden for specific e-mail text definitions.
Work with Default PDF-file name MAI305D
Definition name . . . . . : DEMO
Description . . . . . . . : Distribution of the Demo spool file
Default PDF-file name . . IF400DEMO.PDF___________________________________
5. Definition E-mail text / Cover page text
InterForm400 provides you with the possibility to include various texts in the e-mail
depending on who you are e-mailing to. To do that you simply create 2 or more e-mail
Below one E-mail text definition is made.